Ottawa's Eavestrough Installation Experts

Eavestroughs or gutters, whichever you like to call them, are a critical component of any roofing system. Their primary goal is to divert water away from the home. When rain falls on your roof, that water has to go somewhere. Without eavestroughs to guide the water to a place where it can drain away, gravity will simply take it right off the roof and on to the ground that is directly surrounding your home. This can cause all sorts of issues and damage to the home that can be very costly to fix.

Ensuring that your eavestrough system is clean and working properly with no leaks is crucial for protecting your home. If your gutters aren’t performing as well as they should be, LG Pro Roofing is here to help with eavestrough installation, repair and maintenance services to get your eavestrough system running up to standard.

White house with eavestroughs
red roof with shallow gutters

Gutters protect the foundation of your home, the exterior walls and any landscaping that exists beside them. A house without a properly installed eavestrough drainage system is more likely to:

  • Have soil erosion around the house making any landscaping look shabby.
  • Have dead plants in gardens surrounding the house due to overwatering.
  • Experience flooding in the basement
  • Have damaged exterior paint and stained exterior walls
  • Experience mold and mildew growth on the exterior walls and foundation walls in the basement.

That’s why having your eavestroughs inspected regularly, and repaired or replaced as needed is important for the overall maintenance of your home.

Ottawa Eavestrough Replacement & Cleaning Professionals

Regular eavestrough cleaning and maintenance is important to make sure your gutter system is working properly to avoid expensive water damage to your home. Having a professional take care of eavestrough cleaning and repair ensures that you don’t put yourself at risk of a bad fall by doing it yourself.

Our professional eavestrough cleaning services use special tools to remove any potential hazard to your gutters. A routine eavestrough cleaning also involves a thorough inspection to make sure leaking corners are sealed, downspouts have proper guards installed, and that we effectively flush out your eavestrough for optimal function. We also work to ensure that the eavestrough is properly directing water away from the home so it can drain without seeping into your home’s foundation.

Cleaning debris out of eavestrough

Eavestrough Installation & Repair for Whole Home Protection

At LG Pro Roofing Systems, we are experts at eavestrough installation and repairs. When working on eavestroughs, we look at all of the angles to ensure that the right gutters for your home are used, that they are installed properly and in full working order, and that any water on your roof drains away from the home so that your foundation, exterior walls, and landscaping are all protected.

If you think you may have an issue with your eavestroughs, know you have an issue that needs to be fixed, or are looking to replace the eavestroughs on your home with an upgraded system, then contact us today! We would be happy to help you get your gutters in top shape so you can rest easy knowing that your home is well protected from the rain and melting snow that is on your roof.

Recent Roofing Projects by LG Pro Roofing Systems